Stop Buying These Things to Save Money

Let's sit down and really look – I mean REALLY look at where and what we are spending our money on.

Brand Specific

Opt for store brands or basically anything that is on sale or if I have a coupon for it. You'll be surprised by the amount of money you save on your groceries every month by doing this.

Cut The Cable

Cutting your cable subscription will help  save hundreds of dollars. You can still watch TV, just chose to find a cheaper alternative — like Netflix or Hulu.

Stop Buying Small

Buy products in bulk – especially for those items that you frequently use, this saves money.

Stop Eating Out

Learn weekly meal planning and cook in bulk too. It saves money, time and it reduces cravings for getting takeout

Stop Coffee To Go

invest in a good coffee maker —it'll help save a couple dollars every day!

If you want to start cutting your spending and save more money, you always have to look at what you’re buying. Be aware of where your money is going and make smart choices - Mirielys