We could all use a little more water in our daily lives. You can keep track of your water intake with an app, journal (free printable) or a marked water bottle.
Make it a goal to start taking daily walks, going for bike rides, or even running. Just something to get you up and moving a little more often.
Gratitude is a small perspective shift, but it can significantly change your life. Kickstart this personal goal with a gratitude journal.
A phone call is always more personal than a text or email. And people close to you, such as your mom, really appreciate hearing from you.
Make this year the year you get serious about your skincare.
Consistency helps your digestive system know what to expect. Which in turn, helps it function better.
Reexamining your budget (at least monthly) is the key to long-term budgeting success.
Just pick one bad habit that’s dragging you down and work on eliminating it from your life.
Out of all of the New Year’s resolution ideas, this one should be a priority! Do something nice for yourself once a week. It could be making time to read your favorite book, enjoying a long bath, or treating yourself to a manicure.