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Not only do scented candles lend flattering, soft light and a special atmosphere to a room, they also fill the space with a wonderful fragrance of your choice. Even unscented candles burn away unpleasant smells, in or out doors and they are as effective as any atomizer. (Any candle will burn away the smell of cigarette smoke – and more effectively so if a little vanilla perfume is added to it.)

The longer a it burns, the more aromatic it will be.


large (2)If you like a richly scented candle, one way is to go for a larger container or mould and give it more than one wick. This will create a bigger pool of molten wax and thus a stronger aroma.

Scents or essential oils, herbs or aromatic flowers can also be added – i.e. you can infuse the wax with these scents.

The best known, for utilitarian purposes, are probably those scented with citronella, as they will keep mosquitoes, in or out doors. Generally, however, we associate them with romance, festivity and luxury. They can really do wonders for creating a general feeling or mood.

Adding perfume to candle wax makes the wax more liquid. This is the reason why most of them come in some kind of a container — a glass or jar of some kind, often terracotta. Used fragrances can be anything you like – from heavy oriental fragrances to fresh floral scents.

Floating candles are usually scented; not only do they have a broad base, but the cool water helps to prevent the molten wax from becoming too liquid and messy. (Small foil cupcake holders make wonderful moulds for them!)

Generally speaking, they should not be lit before serving a meal – their strong aroma, mixed with that of the food you have prepared, may not go well together. Light them after dinner, when you serve coffee.

One can choose from a wide range of fragrances — whatever suits your mood — rich, heady, strong fragrances such as jasmine or rose, or earthy woody scents such as sandalwood and cedar. Furthermore, aromatherapists will tell you that certain smells have certain effects on humans; their research tells you that some fragrances are soothing, relaxing and create a general feeling of well-being — Jasmine, Lavender, Ylang Ylang and Geranium.

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