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8 Tried and Tested Ways to Motivate Your Sales Team

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Motivation is not just about some fancy quotes, or “best employee of the day” cards posted on the wall. You have to go the extra mile to influence your team in a way that really motivates them to give their best sales performance. 

Here are a few tried and true strategies for sales managers to motivate your sales team. 

8 Strategies to Motivate Your Sales Teams to Boost Their Performance

Build Trust with Your Team 

Trust is the foundation of motivating your team. If your team gets into thinking that they are just an employee for you and you don’t prioritize their interests, the chances are they’ll end up feeling unmotivated and uninspired. Being a manager, you have to create trust among your team and maintain this trust by providing them with a work environment that’s healthy and transparent. A great way to start is by simply asking them what you can do to be in a trusting relationship with them. It’s pretty easy and straight. 

Recognize and Reward Achievements 

Motivation triggers are not the same for every salesperson. Some might be more drawn towards sales contests, while for others, the motivation might be monetary. Some might feel motivated when you give them decision-making freedom while others might enjoy rewards like awards, bonuses, and promotions. Understand the unique motivation triggers of your team and recognize their achievements accordingly. You might reward their efforts with awards for sales motivation, bonuses, a paid vacation, or any stimuli that drive them to take action and hit their targets. The best practice is to let the team pick their rewards. 

Figure Out the Issue 

What is it that’s keeping your team from giving their best? Finding out what’s bothering your sales team needs a careful look. Each person in your team may have different concerns. Some may share their problems openly in meetings, while others might prefer talking privately. Listen closely to each person to figure out the issues in a way that makes sense for them. It could be a problem with how things are done for one person, another might feel confused, and someone else might have personal stuff affecting their work. By having conversations and understanding these unique concerns, you can come up with solutions that fit. 

Set Clear and Achievable Goals 

Making sure everyone on your sales team knows exactly what they’re aiming for is a big deal. Instead of having vague goals, it’s important to set clear and doable targets that everyone can understand. Break down the big goals into smaller ones that feel manageable, such as daily, weekly, or monthly goals. When goals are clear, it’s like having a roadmap that shows the way. This way, everyone knows what success looks like, and hitting those smaller targets gives a sense of accomplishment. 


Communication is the heartbeat of motivation. Regular updates, clear instructions, and open conversations create a supportive environment. Just like in a good conversation, it’s not just about talking but also listening. Encouraging everyone to share their thoughts and concerns builds trust and a sense of belonging. Effective communication ensures that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities, leading to a more united and productive team. 

Lead by Example

Being a leader is not just about telling people what to do – it’s about showing them through your actions. Be a role model for your sales team by showing them. It means that if you want your team to work hard, you should work hard too. If you expect them to be positive, you should be positive yourself. It’s like setting the tone for how things should be done by doing it yourself first. When you lead by example, your team sees your dedication and attitude, and it inspires them to follow suit. 

Encourage Healthy Competition

It’s good to add a bit of friendly competition among your team as it can make work more exciting. This means creating an environment where everyone tries to do their best, a bit like a fun game or a sales contest. When people compete in a healthy way, they push each other to work harder and be better. The key is to keep it positive and supportive so that everyone feels motivated to improve, creating a team where each member is inspired to give their all.

Offer Flexibility and Work-Life Balance

Giving your team some flexibility and a good balance between work and personal life is important. It means understanding that your team has lives outside of work, and they need time for family, hobbies, and personal stuff. Allowing flexibility in when and how they work shows that you care about their well-being. It’s like saying, “I trust you to get your work done; you don’t have to be tied to your desk all the time.” This helps reduce stress and burnout, making them happier and more focused when they are working. With a good balance, you have a happy and rested team ready to tackle challenges with fresh energy.

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