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The Ultimate Homeschooling Guide: Tips & Tricks For Newbies

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Mother doing home schooling with little children

Are you a newbie to the exciting world of homeschooling? Then you have no doubt come to the right place, as this guide contains a whole host of different tips and tricks that you can make the most of to ensure your children can have the best possible experience while being educated in familiar surroundings. If you’re interested in mastering the art of homeschooling for the benefit of your family, then simply read on to uncover some of the most effective steps that you can follow to offer the best education ever! 

Image Source – Pexels 

Always Have Good A Plan To Work From

It’s fair to say that when you first start homeschooling your children, it can seem a little tough to try and fill your days with enough learning opportunities to actually help your little ones grow and flourish. It can certainly be tricky to think up new topics out of thin air, but thankfully there is an easy solution that can provide you with the perfect sense of direction-having a good plan to work from! It can be a good idea to plan month by month, as planning for a 30-day period will provide you with more than enough inspiration to fill each day with fun. Planning also allows you to ensure that you aren’t missing anything that might be important, too, as you can make a note of some essential topics that need to be covered over the coming weeks. Use a couple of days around the middle of the month to sit down and plan ahead, using the same notebook if possible, so that you can build on the previous months’ lessons and try to link smoothly from one topic to another. When you’ve created a month-long plan of action that your kids can work from, you won’t feel the need to set out day-by-day agendas—just work freely and explore topics that seem right on the day. You don’t want to make the mistake of forcing the homeschooling process to seem far too rigid and military, so just jot down a few important ideas that you and your children can look into, and make a choice each day depending on how you all feel. Make sure you add in the opportunity for downtime too, as your kids need the chance to take a breather from learning to play a few fun games so that their interest doesn’t taper off completely! Don’t worry, you can still keep games educational if you don’t want to stray too much from a specific topic. 

Allow Your Children To Choose (Sometimes)

Another key feature that you should always keep in mind throughout your homeschooling efforts is your children’s thoughts and feelings. You need to make an effort to let your children have their say when it comes to topics and learning styles, as at the end of the day, it’s their education and for them to remain interested, they need to be able to make decisions for themselves. Despite it likely being your choice as a parent to homeschool your kids, it’s still important for you to let your child have some control over their learning if you want them to have the opinion that the right choice was made. Otherwise, they may feel you have too much control and begin to resent your decision. It’s possible that they can become envious of children who attend a public school, which may cause them to lose interest in your lessons somewhat, but if you make the decision to let them have some influence over the topics or type of learning that they are involved in, then they will definitely feel far more inspired and better connected with their own unique education (something public school students will never achieve). Remember not to take this too far by letting them have full control over their education, as they would no doubt be choosing the most relaxed and low-energy lessons that require very little brain power. A good solution that keeps things balanced is to let them choose one or two lessons a week, as this gives them something to look forward to without distracting them too much. Allowing your little ones to openly express their thoughts and feelings about their education can also be of benefit to you in making more informed decisions as a parent and educator. You can better understand your child’s individual learning styles, strengths, and interests, too, which is certainly something that could never happen in your average public school.

Don’t Listen To The Opinions Of Other Parents 

More often than not, when you tell someone you homeschool your children, you’re met with a strange reaction. Many people are intrigued, but simply approach the topic in the wrong way by thinking of the potential negatives rather than the positives. However, some people take this to an extreme by openly voicing their distaste for your decision to become a homeschooling parent, despite your decisions having nothing to do with them. This can be disheartening, especially when it comes from someone you thought was a friend or didn’t see as such a negative person, but you needn’t listen to the opinions of other people! How you take care of your own children is your business, and you are the one that is responsible for your children. If they want to send their children to public school, then that’s okay, and if you want to homeschool your kids, then that’s perfectly fine too-when you explain this to them in a calm manner, they will likely step back and think, and it may even trigger an apology. You cannot let other people influence your child’s decisions, so if you have made the choice to teach your children in a safe environment at home, then you need to stick to your guns despite what others may say! 

Take Time To Relax 

When you homeschool your children, it can be a pretty full-on experience that can take its toll. It’s important that you can take time to relax and indulge in self care, as you still need to focus attention and energy on yourself too. It’s all too easy to forget about yourself and your own needs when you’re so focused on your children’s learning and care, but it’s vital that you can look after yourself if you want to be able to look after your children! Whether you decide to ask your children’s father to take them out for a Sunday afternoon stroll so that you can have a relaxing bath, or even just grab a few minutes when your kids are asleep to read a book in peace, don’t forget about taking the opportunity to relax. It’s important for both your mental and physical health to take time out, as letting your stress build up can cause side effects for your mind and body. You can expect restless nights, poor appetite, and mood swings, to say the very least, so it’s best to relax often if you want to be able to provide your kids with the care and education they need. 

If you’re a newbie to the world of homeschooling, then this guide is the perfect way to begin mastering the art in no time at all. If you are ready to help your children reap the many rewards that can come from homeschooling, then there’s no time like the present to get started by utilizing the information carefully detailed above! 

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