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8 Things That Could Make or Break Your Wedding Day

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Elegant wedding couple

As you dream about your perfect wedding day, there are a million details to consider. Some elements could elevate your celebration to fairytale status, while others… well, they might leave your guests whispering for all the wrong reasons.

Сouple on their wedding day. Presenting a wedding ring

With that in mind, let’s take a look at some things that could make or break your wedding day.

1. Food: The Way to a Guest’s Heart (or Not)

Food can either be a hero or a villain at your wedding. Delicious, satisfying cuisine can win over even the grumpiest of relatives, while undercooked or tasteless food might be the only thing remembered from your special day. A well-thought-out menu catering to various dietary needs, like the ones offered when you choose Wedding Catering by Saint Germain Catering, will go a long way in winning the hearts (and stomachs) of your guests. Also, you should never underestimate the power of late-night snacks to fuel the dance floor!

2. The Dreaded Seating Chart

Picture this – your gossipy Aunt Edna next to your tight-lipped boss, or your fun-loving college buddies seated with the local knitting club. Awkward, right? Thoughtful seating arrangements can spark lively conversation and keep awkward silences to a minimum, which is why you should put some serious time and effort into getting yours right.

3. The Playlist: Your Secret Weapon

Music can set the tone of your entire wedding. A skilled DJ or band who can read the crowd and switch up the music as needed is worth their weight in gold. Conversely, a poor music selection can see your guests fleeing the dance floor faster than you can say “Macarena.”

4. Speeches: Sweet Memories or Snooze Fest?

Speeches can be beautiful, touching moments that bring tears to everyone’s eyes…or they can drag on until guests are checking their watches and dreaming of their beds. Encourage your speakers to keep it brief, heartfelt, and appropriately humorous.

5. Timing is Everything

Imagine a beautiful ceremony followed by a three-hour wait for the reception. That’s enough to make your guests rethink their decision of spending the day with you. Smooth transitions and a well-paced schedule can keep everyone’s energy up and ensure they’re having fun, not watching the clock.

6. Weather Woes

Yes, we know this is out of your control, but the weather gods could be either your best friends or worst enemies. ave backup plans for outdoor weddings, and remember – a little rain could make for some truly memorable photos!

7. The All-Important Restrooms

If your venue has insufficient or far-flung restrooms, it could be a real party pooper (pun intended). Ensure that there are enough facilities for your guests and that they’re easy to locate and that will be one less thing for your guests to worry about.

8. Comfort Factors

Uncomfortable chairs? Too hot or too cold venue? Mosquito invasion during a summer garden party? These can turn your dream wedding into a less-than-ideal experience for your guests. So, it is important to keep comfort in mind when planning your big day too.

Don’t let these eight things ruin your big day – plan ahead!

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