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Spending money is something we can’t avoid, especially as a parent. We all need goods and services in our life, and being able to afford them is one of the greatest rights everyone should have on their side. You never want your kids to go without, and you don’t want to feel guilty about buying them icecreams down the park!


But there are some items out there you really need to save up for, and you don’t want to end up wasting that rainy day fund when it comes to buying the thing you’ve had your eye on for a while! So now’s the time to make sure your investments are worth it; below are a couple of the main things you should really save up, for both practicality and pleasure.


If you’re a parent, your children’s futures are always going to be the most important thing. 


A New (or first) Car


If you’ve got a car on your hands, you’re going to have a much better time of ferrying your kids back and forth whilst saving as many of those precious minutes and spare pennies as possible. Sure, you need to pay for insurance each month, and fuel here and there, but you’re going to get from A to B whenever you need to and in ultimate comfort! Your kids strapped in the back, you at the wheel, and the open road the only thing stopping your children from getting to school on time.


Commuting can be cramped and long winded after all, not to mention severely late whenever the bus seems to feel like it, so make sure you’re putting away a bit of money each month to go towards a car deal. And with the nada blue book on your side, you’re going to find it easier than ever to get the best value for money, no matter what kind of vehicle you choose.


Fun Days Out


As a parent, we can worry that we haven’t put enough money away for sending our kids to college, or helping them buy their first car, or shilling out for their wedding day. But it’s good to focus on the here and now whilst you’re doing all that, as you don’t want your kids to miss out on some great childhood experiences!


There’s nothing quite as nice as taking your kids out for a treat every now and then, and day trips to old castles, and tearing around museums, and even just going for some soccer down at the park are the best way to spend some time with them that they’ll never forget! So make sure you’ve got a leisure fund as well, as kids can get bored being stuck at home with their coloring books whilst you worry over the extra curricular activities to get them interested in.


Parents have to save up for a lot, considering they have a whole family to feed and clothe. But make sure you’re putting the best stuff first on the budget.

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