Bad Sunburn Remedies during Vacation
By: Amy Mia Goldsmith

We’re all more than fond of that blissful time otherwise known as vacation time. Sipping cocktails with those little umbrellas, wearing our summer best is, well, the best. This is a time when we get to unwind, veg-out by the beach, and have some well-deserved fun in the sun. However, we all know that fun in the sun comes at a price, and that price can often include sunburnt, leathery, red, painful and itchy skin. Then, we look back at our carefree time and wish we had taken precautions. Sometimes we even do, but sunburn happens even to the most cautious among us. Luckily, there are remedies that help relieve the discomfort. True, it’s better to be safe than sorry, but in case you’ve missed that train, here are some Bad Sunburm Remedies that are guaranteed to help you get your skin in spick and span shape.
Damage control:
At the first sight of peeling skin, you want to jump in the shower and turn on the cold water. This little hack’s benefits are twofold. First, the cold water helps cool down the skin, and secondly, it helps stop the peeling process. Once you’re out of the shower, don’t rub, but dab your skin with a soft, clean and dry towel to prevent irritation. Rubbing the skin can only make matters worse, and actually, speed up and spread the peeling of your skin, and this is definitely not something you want.
It’s an itch that you shouldn’t scratch:
When your skin starts to peel, the second worst course of action you can take is scratch. This only irritates the skin more. It can also cause even worse inflammation, and in worst case scenario can lead to the creation of permanent scars. You want to bring an abundance of memories from your vacation, but scars definitely don’t fall into that category. So, avoid scratching at all cost, and wear a damp or completely wet shirt that will keep the skin cool, and fool it into thinking it’s not itchy. A more advanced solution is a cold compress, especially if you fill it with milk as the milk fat is actually even more soothing.
Better late than never:
Ok, so you didn’t slather on enough sunscreen before hitting the beach, but you can’t cry over spilled milk. This is the time to take precautions retroactively. Find the best possible moisturizer with the highest SPF factor. Something along the lines of Invisible Zinc Face & Body Sunscreen by Cosmedix might be just what the doctor ordered. The SPF is as high as it gets, and it serves to moisturize and nourish the sore red skin. In addition to that, it helps prevent signs of aging – another “lovely” souvenir you definitely don’t want to take home.
Time to pop a pill:
If things get really bad, and your skin starts to swell, the redness worsens, it’s a sign that Ibuprofen is in order. This medication will act as an anti-inflammatory tool, and it will also relieve you of some of that pain, not to mention that it will help with the swelling and redness.
Water, water everywhere:
So, you have a cold compress on your burnt spots, and you’re covered in protective moisturizer. Now is the time to grab a large bottle of water and start drinking. You may not be aware of this, but sunburn is extremely dehydrating. Therefore, start drinking and don’t stop at that; make sure you eat plenty of foods that contain high levels of water such as berries, watermelon, and cucumber.
Time to call the doc:
In case the burns are really severe and you start noticing blisters, don’t waste any time before paying a visit to the doctor’s office. Blisters are an indication of a second-degree burn, and in that case, it’s time to call it quits and call a doctor. Second-degree burns are not a laughing matter as you can end up with an infection and permanent scars.
Sun-burning happens to the best of us, and sometimes you do everything by the book and end up sore regardless. That’s why it’s highly important to know your basic steps and follow them in search of relief, and we hope you’ll find these remedies helpful. Have fun, stay safe.
Amy Mia Goldsmith is an Aussie blogger in love with fashion, beauty, and style. Her mission is to inform the world of all the things she loves and enjoys. She is a contributor at High Style Life. You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter.
2 Responses
Awesome tips i will have in my back pocket for if my family experience getting sunburn. Thank you for sharing.
at a farmer’s market i went to, a lavender table makes homemade cooling lavender spray. it works so well on my sunburn!