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How To Turn Dinner Into Something Meaningful

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Dinner time is special because it’s a great time for families to get together, talk, and enjoy a delicious meal. However, this fantastic opportunity to bond and be together can often be wasted; we just don’t make use of dinner time and turn it into something more meaningful. If you want to start making changes in this direction and ensure dinner becomes more special, at least some of the time (we’re all busy, and it might not be possible to eat together every night), read on for some suggestions. 

Photo by August de Richelieu

Prepare A Meal Together 

Rather than having one person do the cooking – even if you take it in turns – make cooking a family affair by dividing up the work in the kitchen. Make room for one person to whisk the ingredients for the strawberry brownies recipe. Let other people prepare the pot roast’s aromatic ingredients by chopping the garlic, onions, and herbs. Others can clean up and do it as you go so that there isn’t a big job to do at the end of the meal. 

Everyone will value the meal more since they had a role in making it happen, which is a positive in its own right, especially if you have fussy people to cater for. And it’s a wonderful chance to talk with your family and loved ones and find out more about their day or even about them as people because you all have to work together. 

Decorate The Table 

Most people only put decorations on the table at certain times of the year. Instead, think about using different themes for each month. If your family is excited about a movie that is coming out soon, decorate the table to match the movie. If your family loves a certain TV show, make placemats with the characters’ names. Use different things from the show as table decorations. Or why not do a musical theme, taking everyone’s favorite singers as a starting point? Nature, animals, the weather, vehicles, colors, and so much more will provide plenty of inspiration. 

You don’t have to do this every night, as that will take a lot of time, effort, and perhaps money too. However, try to make the first meal of the month a little bit special and ensure you change up the décor in the dining room to show that the calendar has changed. 

Learn Something New

It’s a good idea to learn something new every day. Set up a learning tradition to encourage people to learn and think. Go around the table at the end of each day and ask each person what they learned that day. It could be about any subject. Whether it’s a new math problem or a lesson about life, share one new thing you’ve learned and encourage the rest of your family to do the same.

If you’ve had a bad day, dinner might be just what you need to feel better and have a good evening. When good food and good company come together, it’s much easier to be positive. 

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