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Lymphatic Drainage—Could This Be a Game Changer for Your Skin? 

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Many estheticians use lymphatic drainage facial massage to improve the appearance of their clients’ skin.

Roller massage of the face. Flat lay, top view

Granted, not everyone will see such dramatic results, but I believe lymphatic massage can be a powerful tool for managing certain skin conditions and supporting overall skin health. In this post, I discuss the benefits of lymphatic drainage for the face in greater detail and did extensive research to provide you with the best advice for performing a lymphatic facial massage on yourself at home.

Continue reading to learn how to keep your skin glowing and flowing!

Lymphatic Drainage Massage: What Is It?

Lymphatic drainage massage is a technique that gently drains excess fluid by using light pressure and specific motions.

The lymphatic system, like the circulatory system, is made up of vessels, tissues, and organs that help the body manage fluid balance, defend itself from infection, deliver nutrients, and transport away toxins and waste.

Lymph, the fluid that travels through the lymphatic system, contains oxygen, glucose, amino acids, and other vital nutrients that keep every cell in our body alive. It also transports toxins and impurities, making the lymphatic system important for our immune system and overall health.

To function properly, the lymphatic system relies on muscle contraction, diet, exercise, and physical manipulation. Your lymphatic system, unlike your circulatory system, does not have its own pump. This is where lymphatic massage comes into play!

What Are the Face and Skin Benefits of Lymphatic Drainage?

Lymphatic drainage is used in medical settings to help patients with lymphedema (chronic swelling due to damage or removal of lymph nodes, usually as part of cancer treatment). It’s also been shown to help people recover from injuries by reducing swelling and visible puffiness.

When it comes to the aesthetic effects of lymphatic drainage, research is still a little behind, but it’s starting to catch up! In fact, a 2015 study was the first to discover a link between poor lymphatic function and skin sagging. Needless to say, this has exciting implications for anti-aging treatments.

The advantages of lymphatic massage are numerous. Because the lymphatic system plays such an important role in immunity and healing, the advantages of lymphatic massage are numerous. Puffiness, acne, dryness, dullness, and even skin sensitivity can be improved and even resolved by simple lymphatic stimulation because it allows the body to do what it’s supposed to do: heal. Because you have the highest concentration of lymph nodes in your face and neck, a lymphatic drainage massage can really help!

How to Perform a Lymphatic Drainage Massage on Yourself

While it’s ideal if you can see a professional who is trained in lymphatic drainage massage, this isn’t always an option (especially during a pandemic!). Fortunately for my readers, I did some research on professional advice on how to perform your own lymphatic facial massage at home.

Preparing for a Lymphatic Facial Massage

I recommend performing lymphatic facial massage several times per week, if not nightly, as part of your regular nighttime routine. I prefer doing it at night because this will help de-puff you for the morning and encourage your skin to repair while you sleep, I suggest performing a facial massage after the serum step in your routine.

You Will Require

To begin, you’ll need either a facial oil or a rich moisturizer.

Is it Necessary to Use a Massage Tool?

If you look through beauty or skincare accounts on Instagram, you’re bound to see massage tools like jade rollers and gua sha stones. Although the popularity of these lymphatic drainage massage tools has grown, I am not a fan of all of them.

While I encourage everyone to learn how to massage with their own two hands (my preferred method), I understand that it can be intimidating for some. If I had to pick a tool, I’d go with a gua sha stone. It’s a fantastic massage technique that works.

Jade rollers, on the other hand, aren’t really my thing. They’re difficult for me because people drive it in a ‘back and forth manner, which doesn’t really move the lymph along its proper drainage pathways. Although it is a type of facial massage, it is not lymphatic drainage.

Correct Technique

Now for the technique itself! When performing lymphatic massage on your face, keep in mind that you should always use very light pressure. This applies whether you use your hands or a massage tool. The reason for this is that lymph vessels are extremely delicate, and applying too much pressure can crush them, resulting in improper fluid drainage.

As for the actual massage technique, begin at the neck and proceed as follows:

You can repeat this procedure as many times as you want.

A word of caution: do not massage inflamed areas of acne! Applying pressure to active breakouts can exacerbate inflammation or scarring, as well as spread bacteria, resulting in new breakouts.


While lymphatic drainage massage for the face is generally considered safe, consult your doctor first if you have any health concerns, particularly congestive heart failure, blood clots, kidney problems, infections, or circulation issues.

I hope you learned something new about lymphatic facial massage! When done correctly, it’s a fantastic way to support your overall skin health. I highly recommend giving lymphatic facial massage a try if you want to up your skincare game or simply indulge in some relaxing self-care.

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