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Turn Your Love Of Fitness Into A Career!

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If you’re the kind of person who loves nothing more than being active and staying fit, you might wonder if it’s possible to get more out of your love of fitness than a great body and healthy lifestyle. Well, the good news is that you can! Working as a personal trainer is one of the very best careers out there for someone who is incredibly passionate about fitness. Of course, you shouldn’t assume that being a personal trainer is going to be easy just because of your love of working out and staying in shape. The truth is that, just like any other job, it comes with a bunch of challenges. However, if it sounds like the ideal career for you, here are some ways to get started as a personal trainer.


Get qualified

The first thing you need to do if you want to become a personal trainer is to make sure that you get properly qualified. Being a personal trainer is a significant responsibly, and it’s not something that just anyone can do. If you think you can just jump into this career, then you’re in for a pretty nasty shock. Luckily, there are plenty of options for how to get the qualifications that you need. From night classes to online degree courses, there are more ways to get qualified than ever before.

Set up a website

In the modern era, if you want to be able to run any kind of successful business (and make no mistake, being a personal trainer is a business) then you need to be able to promote yourself. The very best way to do that is online. If you’re not particularly adept at design or programming, don’t worry. There are plenty of services that can help you make the best fitness website possible. Then it’s just a matter of using things like social media to spread the word about your new business.  

Connect with clients

Of course, a personal trainer without clients isn’t going to be able to make much of a living, so it’s important that you connect with clients as soon as possible. There are a lot of different ways to do this. You might be able to do it by working for a specific gym, or you can use things like social media to spread the word and find people in your local area who might need your help and support. The truth is that you’re going to be working with people pretty much constantly so being able to network and communicate with people effectively is pretty much essential.


One of the most important things to remember is that your purpose as a personal trainer isn’t to improve your own fitness or to dictate how someone else lives their life. Instead, your focus should be on learning about your client and helping them to achieve their goals as effectively as possible. This, essentially makes you a teacher and you need to be as supportive of your clients as possible at all times.

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