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What to Consider When Looking for a Skin Care Brand?

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Have you recently decided to try a new skincare brand? The vast choice of such brands in the market makes the decision-making process complicated and time-consuming.

Even though all cosmetic brands claim their products to be organic, hydrating, and regenerative, buyers should conduct research and do patch tests before making an ultimate decision. Everyone should look at product labels carefully to make sure the ingredients match her/his skin type. Having a consultation with a dermatologist might be useful before commencing the shopping journey. 

When looking for a clean skin care brand, the following tips might prove helpful.

Check the product label

The initial thing to do when looking for a skincare brand is checking the labels of cosmetic products in order to have a look at the ingredients, expiration date, and sun protection factor (SPF). Although these lists of active ingredients are rather lengthy, it’s important for buyers to give them a detailed look. Each list starts with the ingredient whose amount is the highest and works its way down to the rest of the ingredients with lower concentrations.

Another crucial detail to check is the expiration date of products in order to prevent side effects after applying the cream or lotion on the skin. Skincare brands are expected to include a PAO symbol on their products, stating the period during which these can be used without inducing adverse effects. Keep in mind that cosmetics whose expiration date is no longer valid might result in rashes, infections, and irritation. 

Established skincare brands are expected to sell cosmetic goods with SPF. For instance, face creams and moisturizers should have a minimum of SPF 30, while lipsticks need at least SPF 15. Such cosmetics protects the skin of users from the harmful impact of ultraviolet rays. 

Look for the right ingredients

Skincare brands provide buyers with a vast range of cosmetic products for all skin types. Nevertheless, one is supposed to be cautious in the choice of ingredients, especially those whose skin is overly sensitive. 

For instance, individuals with oily skin are advised to look for skincare products with salicylic acid, glycolic acid, hyaluronic acid, and benzoyl peroxide. The role of these ingredients is to regulate sebum production in order to prevent breakouts. Additionally, the hyaluronic acid is in charge of providing hydration where necessary. Read hereabout the main causes of oily skin.

Moreover, people with dry skin are recommended to opt for ingredients that improve hydration, such as olive oil, shea butter, lactic acid, and jojoba oil. Besides making one’s face more hydrated, these works wonders for exfoliation as well. 

Sensitive skin is the most complicated when it comes to choosing ingredients, as it’s incredibly susceptible to acne breakouts and irritation. Hence, buyers are recommended to choose skincare products with a calming effect,containing aloe vera, shea butter, chamomile, oatmeal, or green tea. 

Skincare brands aren’t supposed to provide products with irritating ingredients, harmful to any skin type. For example, fragrances should be avoided when shopping for skincare products, as these increase the risk of dermairritation and allergies. Similar to fragrances, sulfates are believed to cause dryness and irritation due to their ability to minimize the number of natural skin oils. 

Furthermore, parabens have to be avoided by all buyers, even though these are used in cosmetics to impede the growth of bacteria. Nevertheless, parabens have the power to cause hormonal misbalance after being used for longer time periods. See this link,, to learn more about parabens and their harmful effect on human health and the environment. 

Don’t forget to do a patch test

When looking for the right skincare brand, always make sure you do a patch test. It’s the easiest way to discover how your derma reacts to different combinations of ingredients. Keep an eye out for adverse effects like irritation, allergic reactions, or clogged pores. The cream or moisturizer you choose is expected to make your skin glow not make it dry, red, and irritated. 

Final word

Take good care of your face and body by avoiding cosmetics with parabens and sulfates.

Your derma deserves the best treatment to keep glowing instead of looking dehydrated!

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