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Why Exercise is Important for the Career Woman

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Being a busy career woman comes with many challenges. Not least trying to maintain a healthy life-work balance, while trying to keep fit at the same time. You may feel that exercise is at the bottom of the priority, but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, if you are juggling a high-stress career as well as holding together family life, exercise is essential for your mental and physical well-being. Even if you are not a career woman, you should still be looking for ways to incorporate exercise into your daily regime. However, today we are going to find out why exercise is so important for all those high-powered career women out there:

Relieving Work-Related Stress

Simply put, exercise is a great way to wind down after a stressful day. It is a natural stress buster, as it destroys cortisol, the stress hormone, and it relieves symptoms of anxiety too. When you are on the treadmill, you can relax into the rhythm and focus. Your mind becomes clearer, and in this more relaxed mental state, you are better equipped to come up with solutions to problems that were perhaps perplexing you before. Being able to free yourself from stress is a way for the career woman to propel herself onward to the next level in a calm, mediated way.

Confidence Booster

By getting fitter and seeing performance results in terms of exercise, it will help you build confidence. Making improvements in the physical realm is a great way to see that you can better yourself. And, if it is true in the physical sphere, it is true in the business sphere too. The physical challenges you will put yourself through in order to achieve that result can easily be translated across to the mental challenges of business. In addition, sticking to an exercise regime, even if you have an injury, proves you to harness mind over matter, and this in itself boosts confidence. However, if you are injured, try kinesio tape for lower back pain [see how], so you can recover quicker and maintain that level of fitness.

photo of woman raising dumbbells
Photo by Li Sun on

Achieving Goals

If you use exercise to measure how able you are to hit goals, then you have ambition, which leads to success. Success, in any form of life, starts n the mind. You have to develop the right mindset. An exercise goal is something tangible, and if running that marathon is the end result, and you can clearly see yourself setting there, you will feel invincible.

Motivational Technique

Being fit and seeming to have it all is a great motivator to other people. Also, if you are in physical training with a team, you have a unique perspective on other peoples strengths and weaknesses. You will develop a deeper insight into how people tick and how they cope with difficult situations. It also enhances your ability to get the best out of people. You will become a motivator. You will know how to press those motivational buttons and get them to achieve something.

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