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We can dress in line with the latest fashions, have all the right music on your phones, and have more energy than we know what to do with. We’re young, right? Well, it’s sort of right. There might be one telltale sign that gives your age away: your skin. Left unchecked, your skin can show your true age and then some. But does it have to be this way? Is there nothing we can do to limit time’s march forward? The answer is no. There’s a load of things we can do, as you can see below!


Go Rainbow

Good skin begins from the inside. If you’re eating junky, fatty foods, then your skin is not going to like it, and you might have to deal with a whole bunch of skin issues that are much easier to acquire than getting rid of. So if you’re beginning to notice that your skin isn’t quite as fresh and young as it once was, it might be time to look at what’s on your plate. You can eat fried foods when you’re young and still look fresh: but that’s just because you’re young! Eventually, you’ll be better served by thinking ‘rainbow’; that is, having as many different colors on your plate as possible.

Limit That Alcohol

Remember the times when we could drink as much alcohol as we liked, then roll out of bed the next day and be ready to take on the world? Ah, those were the days, weren’t they? But they pass oh so soon. If you’re no spring chicken, then lay off the juice. In a few weeks, you’ll see that your skin has taken a turn for the better. And you’ll have more money in your back pocket, too.

Choose Your Weapons

Of course, you can’t expect your body to do all of the work. You need to have some products up your sleeve, too. Take a look at the 10 best retinol creams for 2018, find a skin cleaning and makeup regime that works for you, and you’ll be on your way to looking fresher and younger. Though your body is capable of doing a lot, it needs those extra doses of help to ensure it looks as healthy as possible.

Go Cold

Now, you might close this tab as soon as you read the words ‘cold shower,’ but please: hear us out. There is a long list of benefits to cold showers and virtually no downsides. They can be uncomfortable when you first get in, but the effects – better skin and hair – are long-lasting. Give it a try; if you don’t like it, turn the knob to heat. But here’s a secret: after a few days, you’ll begin to prefer the rush of cold water. Really!  



Finally, remember that the key to looking healthy is being chilled! If you’re stressed, then look at taking up yoga or meditation. You’ll feel better, and will sufficiently have calmed down the pressure you’re placing on your skin.

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