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Starting at a new gym can be intimidating for anybody, but it’s even more so if you have only recently begun your fitness journey. The intimidation you feel at a brand new gym can destroy your motivation, make you too nervous about going, and keep you from achieving whatever fitness goals you have set out for yourself. 

However, it doesn’t need to be like this. Feeling nervous at the gym does not only risk affecting your physical health but your mental health, also. If you know how to overcome this lack of confidence, you can get your workout done without fail. 

Get the Right Equipment and Gear

Part of feeling confident is looking the part. You don’t want to go to the gym wearing the wrong outfit. It will only hinder your workout, and it could lead to an injury if you are not careful. 

Therefore, investing in the best gym gear from places such as Curves and Combatboots will allow you to feel like you belong, even if you’re not yet confident working out. 

You can also equip yourself with fitness tracking, apps, and some wireless headphones to get you pumped up while you run, lift, or stretch. 

Bring a Friend

Morale support is a tried and tested method of giving yourself the confidence you need at a new gym, especially if your gym buddy is already a member. They can talk you through all of the nuances and secrets of the equipment and give you a quick lesson on gym etiquette.

Even if they aren’t an existing member, learning together will make you more confident. You will be less worried about making mistakes or using machines wrong, and you have someone to talk to in the downtime between exercises. 

Having a gym buddy to workout with will also help with accountability. As you go together, you will learn more about what your body can and cannot do, and this in itself will help to boost your confidence, so that even if you go alone, you won’t have a problem. 

Learn What To Do (And Ask for Advice)

If you’ve ever been to the gym, any gym, before, you likely already think you know how to use the machines. This might be the case, but it’s always worth doing a thorough gym induction once you start just to get an idea of any unusual or unfamiliar machines. 

It’s also essential to be willing to ask for advice. Understandably, you don’t want to come across as a total novice, but this won’t be embarrassing as misusing a machine, and you could even injure yourself if you are not careful. 

Striding In, Confidently
Confidence is something that will grow with time, but you need at least a little courage to get started on your fitness and workout journey. By following these tips, you can give yourself the push that you need to smash your goals and hit your targets at your new gym, and not care about what others think along the way.

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