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When we think about health and wellbeing, we tend to automatically consider exercise and diet. Of course, these play a huge role in your overall well-being and they are something you should focus on, but it’s also important to remember that they aren’t the only elements of a healthy lifestyle. One area you might want to focus on is your skincare routine. A comprehensive skincare routine is something that everyone should implement into their routine. Not only does it help you to look great, but it can also help your skin to stand the test of time, which is extremely important considering it’s the body’s largest organ. Here are some simple steps to follow to achieve this goal!

Stay Hydrated

One of the most simple and straightforward steps you can take when it comes to taking good care of your skin is to stay hydrated. Not only is hydration important for your overall health – contributing to many of your body’s vital functions – but it can have a huge impact on the appearance of your skin. Dehydration can cause dry skin, flaking, itching, tightness, and other problems. Combat this by drinking eight glasses of water a day. You can also try a hydrate supplement packed with electrolytes for further support.

Care for Your Skin Type

Each of us has different skin types that require different care. It’s important that you identify your skin type and make sure you’re using the right products to cater to your individual needs. Most people’s skin can easily fit into one of four categories. The first is normal skin, which is generally balanced and doesn’t pose too many problems. The second is oily skin, which produces excess sebum and may have a greasy appearance. The third is dry skin, which doesn’t produce enough sebum, resulting in dryness or flakiness. The final is a little harder to manage – this is combination skin which combines different elements of the three skin types outlined previously, simultaneously occurring in separate areas of the face.

Be Aware of Skin Conditions and Complaints

Not all skin blemishes are temporary. There are a host of skin conditions that may actually require medical treatment or specialist care to resolve. Common examples include acne, psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, dermatitis, and more. If you have a skin complaint that you can’t identify yourself, or that isn’t resolving with over-the-counter treatments or skincare options, you may want to consult your doctor or dermatologist. These health care professionals can diagnose any existing issues and either prescribe the topical medication or oral medication you need or refer you for further investigation and treatment.

Remember to Exfoliate

Our skin always sheds, with dead cells making way for new, healthy cells. You can aid this process by exfoliating. Of course, it’s important to exfoliate safely, especially in sensitive areas. Use dermatologist-approved scrubs or even consider dry brushing. There are also specialist peels that can be carried out by qualified and approved skincare specialists.

Hopefully, some of the tips above will get your journey to good skincare started in the right direction. Try the steps above and your skin will be glowing before you know it!

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