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Cocktails To Help You Stay Warm in the Fall

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Cocktails To Help You Stay Warm in the Fall

It’s impossible not to love fall, with the slight chill in the air, the crunchy leaves, and the fresh smells autumn brings. Along with those beautiful things come new cocktails to replace our summery drinks. Drinks full of cinnamon, spices, and other fabulous flavors fill our homes with warmth and comfort. Come along as we explore a few cocktails to help you stay warm in the fall.

Adult Hot Chocolate

Hot chocolate is a classic favorite. It’s a staple for children after a day in the snow…but now, it’s your time. Turn the classic into the perfect adult beverage with a splash of Kahlua for a coffee and caramel twist. Crème de menthe is another option for a warm, mint-chocolate drink. And yes, you can still add marshmallows.

Irish Coffee

Hot coffee, whiskey, and a little sugar, all topped with whip cream—the Irish know how to have a good time. We don’t recommend Irish coffee for your morning commute, but we absolutely recommend it as an after-dinner drink by a crackling fire.

Hot Toddy

You don’t have to have a cold to partake in this wonderfully comforting cold-weather drink. It’s a warm mix of whiskey, lemon, and honey, with a cinnamon stick for garnish and flavor. Comfort in a cup.

Mulled Wine

Mulled wine comes from combining red wine, orange, cinnamon, and a sweetener such as sugar or honey. Simmer it together for about 15 minutes, strain it, then enjoy.

If you haven’t had mulled wine, add it to your list of things you must try this season. Then, add it to your list of favorite things.

Orange Bourbon Tea

Make this tea to fill your home with the most delightful aroma. Fill your favorite teapot with hot water, as much bourbon as you like, according to your taste (and the kind of day you’ve had), half an orange, the juice from a lemon, a large spoon of honey, and a dash of ginger and nutmeg. If anyone bothers you for pretending bourbon is tea, simply tell them your tea is full of vitamin C.

Buttered Rum

Make buttered rum on the stove using butter, apple cider, rum, brown sugar, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and water. Yes, you can drink butter. Your world just got a little better, didn’t it?

Good Old Whiskey

We have to end with whiskey. There’s a reason many cold-weather cocktails include it. No other liquor warms toes and fingers the way a good whiskey can, no mixing necessary. Invite friends for an evening of whiskey flights and prepare for simple yet complex goodness. The warm memories you’ll make are just a bonus.

Enjoy these cocktails to help you stay warm in the fall. Who knows? You may find yourself hoping the colder weather never ends.

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