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Deva Curl – Curly Hair Products!

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Unruly, unmanageable, curly mess, lifeless curls… Welcome to my world, actually welcome to the world of 60% of the population. Straightening it all the time wont work for me because 1. I live in Miami where humidity is #, 2. Heating products on the hair all the time causes for some major damage, 3. I love my curls on a good day. 
Here is where my problem comes in, Its not manageable and I can get it to curl the way I want, so being the google-aholic that I am, researching was my best option and here is what I found:
“laundering curly hair (which is what most people are doing with ordinary detergent shampoos) just about guarantees a mass of over-dry, frizzy, shapeless locks.”
The Culprit: Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) and its close relative Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS).
Those Ingredients are commonly used in soaps, detergents, shampoos and even toothpaste. Its what helps give it that foamy build up and  are very far from giving “healthy shining hair” and “beautiful skin.” 
Alright alright so enough of the lesson and back to the point, Look at your shampoo bottle now – go ahead. Just as I suspected the culprit is right there in small letters in the ingredients section of your shampoo bottle. That’s when my research intensified, you see I was determined to buy a product that would be beneficial for the health of my curly locks. Thats when I stumbled upon Deva Concepts. Theyre products are specifically for us girls with curly locks. I have been using the:

And I must say that I really recommend this product. I absolutely love it .

For more information on this product visit the Deva Site at:




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