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Hi Beautiful, have heard about a new beauty line that will launch very soon?

I was lucky enough to be sent some products from the brand Discover Found, they have sent me a box of goodies to try and review which I am so excited about. Today I am just going to show you the products as I unbox my goodies.

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You see, the reason I am so excited about this company when I heard about them is that the older you get the more responsible you need to be with your money and what you buy! So the best part??!! It’s affordable! Plus, to add icing on this cake these skincare and makeup products by Found, only use natural ingredients in their products!
I am super delighted with the fact that now you can find some more affordable skin care alternatives on the market especially made with 90% to 99% natural ingredients made in the USA. And even closer to home if you are a Walmart shopper (which I am.)

All the products will be available here: or your nearest Walmart

6 Responses

  1. Unfortunately, we don’t have Walmart in the UK. I really like the look of this brand and what they stand for. Hopefully it will become available over here one day 🙂 X

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