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IMG_6030_8c1f6fe5-05d5-44f5-b8dc-ac4cff6c1afe_grandeWarpaint is a 100% Natural Charcoal Tooth Polish.

This grimy little powder will whiten and polish your teeth with activated coconut shell charcoal. Brace yourself, because it’s pitch black and will make you look like a toothless pirate. Hot.

It’ll strengthen your gums, remove toxins from your mouth, absorb heavy metals and remineralise with bentonite clay, and the organic sweet orange peel helps remove those stubborn coffee stains.


10949036_1528229844133275_1553116349_nMy Review:

I just want to say how much I adore my little pot of Armed with Warpaint, it looks lovely sitting on my bathroom sink. I can’t believe how much healthier and whiter my teeth feel and look. Even my sister, whom I gave a bit to try is obsessed with this product. I am so happy that I was able to receive a full size product for review. In short this product is amazing and I definitely see a difference!

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