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Simple Tips To Combat Dry Hair in the Winter

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Simple Tips To Combat Dry Hair in the Winter

As the temperatures dip and crisp winter air blows, your skin and hair experience a loss of external moisture. The resulting dryness tends to become an issue around this time of year. Here are some really simple tips to combat dry hair in the winter!

Wear a Beanie

On the one hand, you can control any excess frizz and dryness by wearing a beanie, as it can hold things in a bit. On the other hand, you must fight with hat hair if you put one on. Weigh your options and see what you care about the most, but the chances are that wearing a beanie is your best bet since it’s seasonally appropriate.

Consider a hat lined with satin or silk to prevent excess breakage and throw in a dry oil to contribute to the moisture. Dry oil is weightless, so it won’t weigh your hair down if it’s thinner.

Deep Condition

Consider applying an intense hydrating mask or a deep conditioning treatment about once a week. This can ensure your hair receives the extra moisture it craves. Generally, it can become tangled much faster when it gets too dry. So an excellent way to combat tangles and dryness is to massage a conditioner through the body of your hair.

Trim Your Hair Regularly

Split ends lead to dry ends and further increase your frustration with dry hair. Consider planning a trim with your stylist every six to eight weeks to keep the ends clean and your overall hair health in good condition. Regardless of the dryness, this is usually always a good idea.

Invest in a Humidifier

A small investment that can fight your home’s overall dryness is a humidifier. This is a relatively simple tip to combat dry hair in the winter that requires almost no change to your hair routine. A humidifier rehydrates air particles and delivers moisture back to you. Although heating your home is a good thing, it can pull moisture out of the air and create a drier environment. A humidifier will counteract this.

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