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It is said that a smile is a window to the soul, but what happens if you aren’t happy with your smile? A third of people are unhappy with their smiles for reasons from discoloration to not having straight enough teeth. Here are some tips to get a better smile!

Woman Sitting And Smiling Tips For A Better Smile

The Right Tooth Brush

This may sound very straightforward, but the right toothbrush is critical for getting the best from your smile. Using a manual toothbrush is fine however electric toothbrushes are said to make your teeth cleaner as they will use different motions to clean the tooth surface. It’s important to change your toothbrush periodically. Experts suggest changing your toothbrush or head every 3 months as over this time bacteria and fungus build up on the bristles. If you don’t this can lead to really bad breath. Gross! 

Arrangement of various eco friendly toiletries in bathroom Tips For A Better Smile

Regular Dental Visits

Trying to fit a dentist appointment into busy lives isn’t easy, but it’s one of the best ways to ensure your smile is in tip-top condition. Visits to the dentist can be costly, but you only have the set of teeth you’ve got, so it’s best to look after them. Dentists are the best people to help you with your smile. They can whiten your teeth, give them the best clean and even help you decide the best way to straighten your teeth. So make sure you keep up with regular visits.

Avoid Stain-Causing Food and Drink

The number one cause for unhappiness with a smile is the colour of your teeth. Many people wish their teeth were whiter or less stained, but you can take steps to minimise this. Avoid drinking too many drinks that contain tannins such as tea and coffee. Tannin is a chemical that causes drinks to be darker and will stain tooth enamel. Foods and drinks in high acidity, such a fruit juice, can wear away the enamel. Did you know you shouldn’t brush your teeth after drinking or eating fruit. This is due to the alkalinity of the toothpaste paired with the acidity of the fruit will decay the enamel coating of your teeth. So keep this in mind when you enjoy your fresh orange juice with breakfast.

White Ceramic Mug on Brown Coffee Beans Tips For A Better Smile

Stop Smoking

The easiest way to avoid bad dental hygiene is to stop smoking. Smoking causes more damage to your oral health than any other factor. Many people try vaping as a way to stop smoking and it can be very successful. However, when using the wrong, or cheap, vaping tips can cause severe damage to your teeth. Most vaping tips and cells are made from plastic and when chewing on them, this can cause the enamel of your teeth to become weaker. It’s a bit like chewing on the end of a pen, your teeth are stronger than plastic, but it’s not what our teeth are meant to be used for! Simply changing the cartridge ccell to an enamel tip can make all the difference. By making sure you are cutting down on smoking with the right tools, you can drastically improve your smile!

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