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Self-esteem is something we’ve all struggled with at some point. It can be hard to overcome, especially when you’re not really sure of its source. The problem is, that low self-esteem can prevent you from getting on with your life, and can lead you to live a more sheltered and limited lifestyle instead of doing what you should be.

If you’re going to raise your self-esteem, then you need to first identify the cause of it and move past it.


Existing trauma

Trauma can be one of the most difficult symptoms to recognize because it’s often something that we thought we’ve moved past or have suppressed. Trauma can be caused by anything in your past that you had trouble processing, and it can affect you at the most unexpected times. If you’ve got low self-esteem and you aren’t sure why trauma may just be the reason. Events that have happened in your life that caused you distress, no matter how long ago, need to be addressed and processed healthily if you’re going to move past them; until then, they’re going to weigh you down.


While bullying can be tied to trauma, it’s important to know that bullying can happen to anyone at any age. You’re never too old to be a victim of bullying, and the truth is, no matter how mature you are – too much bullying can get to you.

You can be bullied at school, at home, in the workplace, by your friends, or even in a relationship. Repetitive negativity being aimed at you from others that you frequently surround yourself with will lower your self-esteem and is something you should address as soon as possible.

A negative self-image

Others aren’t always the cause of your own self-esteem. Sometimes, those feelings of negativity can come from you and how you feel about yourself. Are there things you don’t like about yourself? Do you often feel like you would be happier if you had made changes to yourself? This is something that’s important to address. Insecurities can weigh on your mind heavily, and they can be solved with a change of mindset.

Of course, not every hurdle is that easily overcome, and many turn to other options to get past their insecurities. Surgeries like you can find at are often a solution for many people – if you cannot get past this hurdle mentally.

It’s important to note that all of these feelings can be hard to overcome alone, and you don’t have to. It’s not always a good idea to try and tackle these issues without the help of someone else, and there are therapists ready to help others experiencing self-esteem issues. Therapy can help you to find ways to better process issues that you face on a daily basis, and overcome the causes of your low self-esteem. Whether it’s learning how to react to others treating you, processing previous events, or even seeing yourself in a different light. Your therapist is there to help you, and offer completely unbiased assistance.

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