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How To Get A Sexy Collarbone Contour

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Striking collarbones can be the most stunning natural accessories for strapless dresses or summer outfits. Did you know that 3 makeup products are all it takes to accentuate our gorgeous collarbones? From birthday parties and weddings to afternoon dates in the park, contoured collarbones can work for any occasion! And so, if you are ready to rock your collarbones this summer, then grab your beauty products and let’s jump into our easy contoured collarbone guide!

Step 1: Foundation

Let’s begin by setting a foundation base on the collarbone. 

  • Take your go-to foundation shade and begin placing a few dots on the top grooves along the collarbone. 
  • Using a beauty blender or a foundation brush, start blending the pigment on the skin. 
  • Make sure you keep the foundation fixed to the upper grooves of the collarbone. 

Step 2: Highlight

Up next, let’s add highlights to brighten the area. 

  • Using a fan brush, begin applying the highlight to the lower neck.
  • Next, place the same highlight on the lower grooves of the collarbone. 
  • These highlight placements will reflect natural light and create that striking contrast. 

Step 3: Contour

Now, it’s time for the contour!

  • Take your contour shade and apply the pigment on the lower collarbone grooves, right below the highlight.
  • Place the contour using a flat blush brush or a small beauty blender. 
  • The dark contour against the light highlight is how we can accentuate the collarbone. 

Step 4: Blend

We are almost done with our contoured collarbone tutorial!

  • The last step is all about blending out the makeup pigments. 
  • With clean beauty brushes or makeup sponges, begin blending the foundation, highlight and contour shades. 
  • Buff out the areas and let your collarbones become the stars of the show!

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