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How The Internet Is Helping A Generation Find Their Voice

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What is empowerment? Is it just the ability to feel confident, to take on the challenges of life, and to support others who do it? For a lot of people, yes. But for many, it’s also about taking back at least at little of the power that has been taken from us. When it comes to hearing truth to power, controversial opinions, or speaking your personal truth, the internet has played a huge role. Here are a few ways you could find your voice online, too.

A better look inward

Why do so many people not have a voice in the first place? The monopolization of the media by those who serve interests that aren’t ours is one of the big reasons. But another is the increasing prevalence of anxiety and isolation in the world. Some blame this on the internet, but there are websites and communities that can help you fight it and put yourself out there, too. Nowhere is a greater light being shone on mental health and how to cope than online.

The rise of the new media

That media monopolization is an important point. People have to fight to have a say equal to the big corporate media backers, but there is one site that is making that all the more achievable. We’re talking about Youtube, of course. It can be hard finding the voices that speak to your troubles, to your goals, and your perspective on life, but here are a few empowering channels on Youtube that you might want to check out. It is hard to find a niche and an audience on a site with so much content, but it offers a much better chance than traditional media.

The online gossip mills

Now, for a slightly lighter note. If you want to hear thoughts, news, and slices-of-life that go against the status quo, then it’s time to pay attention to the deliciously gossip-filled underbelly of the playgrounds of the rich and privileged. More and more sites like the Arlington News Network are popping up. Those who serve at the pleasure of county club card holders are finally shaking loose the bonds of silence, spilling some tea, telling some truths, and it is a positively energizing read to follow.


Your place to share

If you have a story, something that you’ve just wanted to get off your chest, or something that you can’t turn to others in life, then forums like the Two X Chromosome subreddit can be a fantastic place to go. It’s harder to find a place online that’s more supportive to women and women’s views. It’s also a great place to get the perspective of normal, everyday women like you, to learn a little, and to help others find their voice by empowering those who do speak out, as well.

With the internet, communication is truly democratized and, if you have something interesting to say, no matter your status or media training, there is a place to be heard. Join the generation that’s finding their voice on the web.

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