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Asking For Help With Your Mental Health: A Guide For Anyone Unsure

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Mental health

Mental health is rarely linear. It can be up and down and head in all directions, and even leave us at rock bottom when we least expect it. In times like these, you’re going to need a bit of support to feel like your usual self again. However, reaching out to find the right support is tricky, even if you’re aware of the kind of help you’d like. 

What do you say? How do you ensure you advocate for yourself correctly? And will you get the treatment you’re looking for? These are the kinds of anxiety-ridden questions that might be flying through your mind right now. And with so much doubt in your mind, you might even feel like you’re not strong enough to reach out right now. 

Which is why we’ve brought this guide to you. The more you know about your options for mental health support, the less confusing the process is going to be. Your mental health needs shouldn’t be ignored, and you should never feel like you’re alone in trying to face them. 

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Talk to Your Doctor First

This should be your first step when it comes to reaching out for mental health support. Your doctor will be the first person who can recommend personalized care for you, and will have a more intimate knowledge of your past history with mental health. With these factors in mind, they can either refer you for further counselling, prescribe medication that can help, or even both. 

Talking to a doctor can be intimidating for a lot of people in need. However, the earlier in your journey that you’re honest about what you’re going through, to someone who can provide medical help, the easier it’s going to be to feel well in yourself again. No matter the kind of support you’re really looking for, this is where you can make your needs known, as well as the route of treatment you’re most comfortable with. 

Enquire About Services Where You Work

If you’re struggling with mental health due to the work you’re doing, you should speak up about the issues you’re facing. Your employer already has an obligation to promote good mental health within their own workplace, and if they follow through on this promise, they should have a service (or know about a service) that you can be referred to. 

The first person to talk to should be your direct manager, and if there isn’t one, you can go straight through to HR. However, if your workplace is rather small and there is no dedicated HR department, you can speak to your boss one to one. Request a private meeting, be open and honest about the struggle, and make your concerns about the workload you’re facing known. 

Don’t be afraid to address your senior team in this manner. You won’t know much about workplace mental health policies until you specifically inquire after them, and that’s always a good idea. 

Look into Local Support Groups

Your local area is likely to have a mental health support group or two, whether it’s a specific group like AA or an ADHD community, or simply a group of volunteers who like to talk about mental health needs. Do some research into them now and see what groups exist near you, or whether you would need to start up one of your own. 

Local support means you have a net nearby, and you’ll never have to go far to speak to someone who knows what you’re going through. It can be nerve wracking to walk into a group like this, but remember that everyone there has been in the same position that you’re in right now. 

Consider a Rehab Program

Rehab seems like a very serious thing, and that’s simply because it is. But it’s not something you should fear needing the help of. If you’re in trouble due to an addiction, you’re allowed to reach out to a place like Real Deal Outpatient Rehab and ask about your options. Whatever it is you’re going through, and whatever addiction you’re battling, are two things you can find help with here. 

A lot of people find rehab scary, and the program you go through can be very damning on the brain and body. It’s an unfortunate reality a lot of patients have to face. However, the willpower to beat an addiction very rarely comes through on its own. You deserve to have a support net there that can really bounce you back! And when you’ve got supportive people around you, who know what they’re talking about and have the treatment courses that’ll benefit you, the battle ahead can be manageable. 

Broaching the Subject with a Loved One

Now it’s time to talk to someone who knows you. This can be the hardest part about reaching out, as you may feel a mix of guilt and trepidation when going face to face with someone you love. But broaching the subject is a crucial element in getting support for your mental health. It’s not a good idea to let yourself face something as consuming as mental health alone. 

You can just bring it up out of the blue, or you can ask someone to come in and sit to talk with you. Whatever you feel is easiest, go down that route, as long as you speak and listen in equal measure. Whether you want to vent or you’re looking for advice as well, this is always going to be the way to go. It’s OK here; they’re your loved ones for a reason! 

If you need help with your mental health, there are many options available for you to reach out through. Whether you want to talk to your partner or mother, your workplace’s HR or a support group in your area, there’s going to be someone around to listen and understand. You just need to speak up for yourself; it’s tricky, but it’s definitely the right thing to do for your mental health. 

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