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Are you shivering with cold and feeling too hot the next minute?

Do you feel the blood beating under your temple as your body temperature rises?

Are you suddenly too tired and weak to get up?

Fever works in mysterious ways. For a lot of people, fever is often linked to sweet childhood memories when they were comfortably tucked in in bed while a parent was looking after them. Unfortunately, when you’re an adult yourself, you can’t rely on someone else to decide what’s best for you. You need to take your fever into your own hand. There is more than one type of temperature. Consequently, you’ll find that while some cases can disappear in a few hours, others can last for days and require medical attention. How do you best handle your fever? By defining what the underlying problem might be so that you can take better care of yourself.

I have pain complaints

More often than not, the fever doesn’t come on its own. If you experience pain, you might need to consider a medical course. For instance, if you are feeling feverish and are experiencing pain while urinating, you might be suffering from a urological infection for which you need to receive medical attention – you can find out more about it on here If you’re experiencing pain while swallowing, you might be struggling with a case of angina or a throat infection, which requires antibiotics too.  However, be cautious to differentiate muscle soreness, which can occur when you catch a simple cold, with more severe pain issues that are caused by inflammation or a bacterial infection. As a rule of the thumb, bacterial infections need to be diagnosed and treated by a doctor.


It’s just a small cold

If you’ve figured out that your fever is only the result of a cold, you might want to look for a home remedy that can get you back to your feet. In a healthy body, the symptoms of a cold disappear without a few days without the use of medication. You can help your body heal by using essential oils – you can find in this article a list of the properties of the main kind of essential oils – and by ensuring that you fuel your body with plenty of natural vitamins. Vitamin C, which can be found in citrus fruits, is especially useful to fight off the germs and boost your immune system. However, if the fever hasn’t dropped after a couple of days, you should seek medical support.  


Is it a night sweat?

Did you wake up feeling hot and sweaty? If your forehead is burning in the middle of the night and you’ve got no other symptom, this might be caused by alcohol withdrawal. Contrary to the common belief, alcohol withdrawal is a physical reaction of the body when releasing the toxins contained in alcoholic drinks. This could happen after a night out, for instance. You can help your body by drinking plenty of fresh water. Spicy food is another common cause for night temperature.


As you can see, there are more than one ways to manage your fever. Ultimately, it’s essential to understand when to seek medical assistance and what to do to cool your temperature down. Remember that a fever is the way of your body to tell you it’s under attack.


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