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Crop visagiste woman taking dry blush for cheeks with brush

Let’s admit it—there’s something about blush that instantly lifts our appearance! From enhancing our skin complexions to creating that youthful glow, we can’t get enough! But the blush pigments are only a part of the equation. Knowing the best blush placement for your face is the actual secret behind creating picture-perfect blush looks! If you want to know your go-to spot for blush, or simply want to explore new blush techniques, then stick around! Let’s jump into the best go-to blush placements for our face structures!

Cheeks Only

Let’s begin with the classic ‘cheeks only’ blush look. 

  • If you have full, plump and round cheeks, then this look is for you. 
  • Applying blush only on the cheeks is a great way to design a youthful appearance
  • For a youthful glow – focus the blush on the apples of your cheeks. 
  • A pro tip is to place the product with a flat blush brush to pack extra pigment. 
Best Go-To Blush Placements

Nose and Cheeks

Now, let’s take a look at the ‘sunkissed’ blush finish. 

  • Adding blush to the next can create that iconic sun kissed effect. 
  • The extra touch of pigment on the nose works amazingly on all skin complexions. 
  • Begin this look by applying the blush on the top of cheekbones. 
  • Next, using a small fan brush, glide the blush across the bridge of the nose. 

Cheeks and Chin

Did you know, placing blush on the chin can liven up your entire face?!

  • The cheeks and chin blush combo can elongate the face and create a cohesive look. 
  • First, apply the blush to the apples of your cheeks. 
  • Next, blend out the pigment to the outer cheekbones. 
  • Finally, add a bit of blush to the chin using a fluffy blush brush or your finger. 

All of the Above

And lastly, let’s combine all of our cheek looks for a unique glow!

  • Start by applying the blush to the apples of your cheeks. 
  • Next, slightly drag the product to the cheekbones and temples. 
  • Then, using a fan brush, place some blush across the bridge nose. 
  • And lastly, tie in our blush look by applying blush on the center of the chin. 

With a few clever makeup tricks, we have transformed our entire blush routine! So, which blush look is the go-to for you?


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